Massachusetts Music Tech Day Schedule Announced

We just announced the schedule for our upcoming Massachusetts Music Tech Day - sponsored by MusicFirst, the Worcester Public Schools, Berklee College of Music and MMEA. This is a FREE in-person event is designed specifically for K-12 music educators and administrators like you. The date is Saturday, October 5th 2024 from 8:00am - 3:15pm at North High School - 140 Harrington Way in Worcester, MA 01604. We have a great schedule of events - with something for everyone. I’ll be kicking things off in the morning by presenting a keynote address on fostering creativity. Following that will be a session on using Canva presented by Stefani Langol and a Modern Band session presented by Adam Calus. The next hour has a session on MusicFirst Elementary presented by Amy Burns, and a session on DJ-ing by Meaghan O’Connor-Vince. The noon hour is reserved for lunch, which we are catering in. After lunch there are two more sessions! The 1pm sessions include a podcasting session presented by Stefani Langol, and a session on making music with iPads by Adam Calus. Following that are two more sessions - one on creating play-along videos and one on creating beats. In the last session, I will be giving away some INCREDIBLE prizes to attendees from Focusrite, Korg & Novation! We have designed the schedule to address the needs of elementary and secondary music educators - no matter what you teach! To register for this FREE event, simply fill out this registration form by clicking on the button!

I hope to see some of my many Massachusetts and New England music educator friends there! Less than two weeks away!! Register today.


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