AMIS 2023 Recap

This weekend I had the distinct pleasure of presenting a Keynote Address and a MusicFirst session at the Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS) 2023 Music Educator Conference in Zagreb, Croatia. This incredible organization, that is made up of music teachers from international schools around the world, comes together once a year to share ideas, learn new things, and get together with each other from all four corners of the globe. My colleague Richard Payne and I were waving the flag for MusicFirst as a corporate member, and had many wonderful conversations with attendees.

My Keynote Address was titled Music Education at the Crossroads: The Impact of AI and Technology. To access the full slide deck, click HERE. The talk went over extremely well in my opinion, and I believe that I was able to calm any fears that teachers may have had about AI taking away their jobs. Lots of laughs throughout, and a couple of wows. I had a great time presenting this talk and look forward to many more in the future.

My second session was titled Tech for the Over-Scheduled Music Educator and it focused on the many platforms, content and software offered by MusicFirst. To download the slide deck, click HERE. It was a jam packed room and I had the feeling that the teachers loved learning about the MusicFirst Classroom and MusicFirst Elementary.

In addition to my sessions, I met up with some of the best people in the industry, including my good friends Samuel Wright, Stephanie Gravelle, Aitak Ajangzad, and my new friend Chris Koelma. I had a great time seeing everyone, meeting new people, and visiting Zagreb. A fascinating city. I am very much looking forward to attending this amazing conference again next year.


Resource: CPDL


Meet Chordle!