In a few weeks I will be heading to Bangkok, Thailand to present a Keynote Address at the Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA) Music Teacher’s Conference at the Denla British School. My Keynote Address is titled Music Education at the Crossroads: The Impact & Implications of AI and I am very much looking forward to waving the flag for MusicFirst throughout the event. We have quite a few schools in this system that subscribe to a variety of our platforms and individual software titles, and I look forward to interacting with current and future customers while I am there. I will be joined by my dear friend and colleague Marcel Pusey - one of the creators of OGenPlus. Both of our companies are sponsoring the event, and I can’t wait to visit Thailand - a place I’ve never been before. If you are reading this post and ANYWHERE near Bangkok from September 26 through the 28th, I hope to see you there. I’m presenting my Keynote Address on my birthday, so perhaps you can help me celebrate! I’ll post a recap on my way home from the event - it’s a LONG plan ride!


Inside Music Now Included with the MusicFirst Classroom


Creativity & AI: Process Over Product