Join Me @ Villanova this Summer!

I am excited to announce that I will be heading back to Villanova University this summer to teach a music technology course on behalf of the University of the Arts Summer Music Studies Program on behalf of MusicFirst Summer Teacher Academy. It’s been almost 10 years since I’ve taught a week long summer course at Villanova and I’m thrilled to be back!

Here are the details:

Course Title: STME/MTEC 635 Utilizing Web-Based Tools in the Music Classroom

Music Technology (Special Topic 23)
3.0 credits
Instructor: Jim Frankel (MusicFirst)
Dates: July 17–21, 2023, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Location: Villanova
Tuition: MM $2,025; SMS $1,050
Fee: $60

With so many ideas, options and tools, deciding what technology to incorporate into your music classroom can be a challenge. Utilizing Web-Based Tools in the Music Classroom will cover a range of web-based tools that are specific for music education or can be used by music teachers to make their teaching more effective and efficient. You will walk away with usable lesson plans that incorporate the tools discussed, as well as ideas and strategies for incorporating technology into a music classroom more broadly.

Student learning objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to

  • explore, discuss and collaborate on uses for technology in their classrooms broadly and outline strategies for incorporating web-based tools into your teaching, including overcoming potential challenges and advocating to administration.

  • learn about various types of music education–focused technology, like assessment tools, notation programs, digital audio workstations and more.

  • have the opportunity to share your favorite tools and discover new ones.

  • create lessons, units and assessments that incorporate web-based tools and are specific to your teaching environment and ready for use in the classroom.

  • understand how to incorporate new and different tools over time into your teaching and lesson planning.

It’s going to be a LOT of fun. I hope to see you there!!


Blast from the Past: Animusic


Gear Review: Vocaster by Focusrite