MusicEDU Partners with MusicFirst

One of my favorite music technology resources from Australia is a wonderful product called MusicEDU. Created by Kate Hargreaves, the MusicEDU Suite is a collection of curricula that covers a variety of topics, including Track Formers - a DJ-ing curriculum, Game Composer - focusing on composing for video games, Keyboard Evolution - a keyboard curriculum for beginners to advanced, AR Classroom - a general music curriculum, and Studio Sessions - which focuses on recording studios and sound production. This suite of curricula is perfect for both middle school and high school students and has been expertly authored with music educators and students in mind.

MusicEDU and MusicFirst have recently partnered to bring our MusicFirst Classroom customers an exclusive new set of FREE resources from MusicEDU. To access these resources, just click on the Resources tab from the main navigation bar in the MusicFirst Classroom, and then click on the MusicEDU logo. It’s that simple. We will be slowly adding this resource to the thousands of MusicFirst Classrooms that are in use - so please be patient if it hasn’t shown up in your Resources tab yet - it will be there soon! Here is what you’ll find:

First, you can sign up for a free trial to explore the MusicEDU Suite of curricula. You’ll get 3 months to trial the Suite and have time to check in with the MusicEDU staff to go over any questions that you may have.

Second, you’ll be able to access 8 different free resources. These resources include a collection of webinars, articles, lesson plans, a free e-magazine subscription, and much, much more.

The included lesson plans, articles and guides are really terrific. For example, if you want to teach your students about EDM (electronic dance music), there is a fabulous printable handout that explains various types of EDM music. These handouts were created with students in mind and will definitely enhance your instruction. The included resources for video game music are also great. There is also a collection of resources on the effective integration of technology into a music curriculum, which has some really useful ideas and suggestions.

I am thrilled to finally be working with Kate Hargreaves to bring her incredible resources to MusicFirst Classroom customers. She has been a force in the music education scene in Australia for quite some time, and has recently been making the trip over to the US for conferences in Texas and New Jersey. If you see her sessions on the schedule - definitely attend.

Ultimately, we would LOVE our MusicFirst customers to purchase the resources from MusicEDU to enhance their teaching and curriculum. They are perfect for MS/HS general music and music technology courses right out of the box.


Hello DALL-E3!


Resource: US Army Field Band YouTube Channel