OMEA 2023 Recap
It’s been an amazing week on the road. On Tuesday, I had the unique opportunity to speak with the music teachers from the Pittsburgh Public Schools at one of the most amazing. facilities I’ve ever been to - the Manchester Bidwell Center, which was started by Bill Strickland. The event was hosted by Marty Ashby, multi-Grammy Award winning producer - what a treat. I loved every minute - speaking with teachers about MusicFirst and our podcasting curriculum. A big bonus was that we were also joined by Craig Cardiff - a Canadian singer who I am now a big fan of. Craig does amazing things in his native country with students and Soundtrap and I look forward to our future partnership.
Presenting at the Manchester Bidwell Center Performance Stage.
Walt Straiton, Marty Ashby & I
After an awesome day, we drove to Columbus, OH where on Wednesday I presented an all-day podcasting workshop to music teachers from the Columbus School District at another amazing facility at the Fort Hayes Career Center. The 2022 TI:ME Teacher of the Year, Ryan Van Bibber, calls this place his home, and his classroom is truly magnificent. Ryan is a force of nature, and it was truly a thrill for me to work with teachers in this very special place.
After two exciting (and exhausting days) I am now representing MusicFirst at the OMEA 2023 Conference in Columbus, OH. I am presenting four sessions here and working with Walt Straiton and Mike Olander to spread the word about all of the offerings that MusicFirst has for music teachers of all stripes.
To access my slide decks, just click on the session title.
A More Complete Music Education Experience: It CAN Be Done!
Your Best Advocacy: Documented Individual Student Musical Growth
Do Your Students Really Know What You Think They Know?
Presenting “Do You Know What Your Students Think They Know” @ OMEA 2023. Over 100 teachers in attendance!
It’s been a busy but very productive week. I forgot how tiring the music education conference season is! I haven’t been on the road this long since the beginning of 2020. It feels good to be back to the “normal” pace. If you’re here at OMEA, please stop by my sessions, or come see Mike & I in Booth #103!
Mike Olander & I