As you know, I am the Founder & Director of MusicFirst. It has been/is the highlight of my career. I started this company back in 2012 with the full backing of Bob Wise and Music Sales - now Wise Music. I was able to build a product offering that grew directly from my doctoral studies at Teachers College Columbia University. I successfully defended my dissertation, which was titled An Evaluation of a Web-Based Model of Assessment for the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in Music, back in 2002. My findings showed that the web had tremendous potential for assessment, but back then it wasn’t quite ready for prime time. Obviously it is now.

Over the past 10 years we have learned a tremendous amount from our customers. We know exactly why, how and what they use our platform for. Our customers basically fall into 4 broad categories: performance ensemble directors, secondary general music teachers, music theory teachers, and elementary music teachers. Because of these categories, we have spent the past year working on a new marketing site that more accurately reflects our customers needs, so we built for bundled solutions with discounts built in. We truly hope that our new site makes the decision making process MUCH easier for music teachers looking for the best solution for their specific program needs. The 4 bundled solutions are Performance Ensembles, Creativity, Music Theory and Elementary. There is also a Custom option for those music teachers who know exactly what they are looking for.

We truly hope that this new site makes it easier to explore our offerings and make the decision making process much easier. We are excited about the year ahead and love our new online home.


15 Years Later: Reflections on Leaving Full Time Teaching and Joining the Corporate World


Resource: Music Animation Machine