Tip: Powered Speakers - LOFO

Here is a very simple, but VERY important tip if you’d like to prolong the life of your powered speakers as long as possible: Last On - First Off (LOFO). What does that mean? Always turn your speakers on LAST in the sequence of powering up your computer and hardware devices, and always turn the off FIRST when powering down.

I know this seems like a ridiculously obvious tip, but I am never shocked to see people do this all the time. I even do it myself.

So why is it so important? If you have ever turned your powered speakers on first, then you have undoubtedly heard a big POP at some point. This isn’t good for the speakers at all! That POP is actually a power spike being transmitted through your speaker cones and can damage those cones over time causing the speakers to eventually give up on you. Seriously.

What is a powered speaker? Well they come in many flavors. Computer monitor speakers, amplifiers, power amplifiers, ANY speaker that has a power switch on it. Passive speakers are either your standard stereo speakers in your home OR more high end speakers that require a power amplifier to drive power to them. Even in the situation of a passive speaker being powered by an amplifier - it’s still LOFO.

This super simple tip will save your speakers and the POPs that make everyone cover their ears.


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