Tutorial: How to Make a Podcast

For those of you that know me, you know that I have been involved with podcasting since 2006. I have created hundreds of podcasts - maybe more - over the past 17 years. I think that it is a PERFECT way to assess student knowledge of any subject area. They are EASY and FUN to create, they don’t require much equipment to get started, and it’s free to create your own podcasting channel on services like SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Music, and more.

For the past month I have been teaching a free online course titled Podcasting Across the Curriculum. No matter when you’re reading this post, you can still register for the class. Successful completion gets you a PD certificate for 10 hours of PD. All class sessions have been recorded and taking the class asynchronously is super easy. If you’d like to register for the class, just click HERE.

Last week I showed the entire process from recording a podcast in Soundtrap to posting the episode on SoundCloud and distributing the podcast on Spotify. Below is a 32-minute video tutorial that I hope you find useful.


If you’d like to check out my podcasts, you can find on my SoundCloud channel, Spotify, or HERE.

If you’d like to access my curriculum titled Podcasting Across the Curriculum, click HERE.

I hope that you find this video tutorial useful and that you incorporate podcasting into your curriculum - or even create you own podcasts for others to enjy


Tool: Scratch


Resource: Math, Science, Music