Webinar tonight with Amy Burns on MusicFirst Elementary

Tonight (Monday, June 5, 2023), MusicFirst is hosting a webinar with the one and only Amy Burns who will be providing an overview of MusicFirst Elementary - a product that I are VERY excited about. The webinar runs from 7pm - 8pm ET and will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend.

To register for the webinar to attend or to receive a recording of the event, just fill out this form. As of this morning, we have almost 250 music educators registered and I know that this will be a very informative event. Amy is a MASTER presenter and we are thrilled to have her on the MusicFirst team as our Elementary Educational Consultant. I’ll be joining Amy as well our our MusicFirst Director of Marketing, Rachel Nicastro.

The webinar will provide LOTS of information about what is actually inside of MusicFirst Elementary, how it can be used in the classroom, and how it compares to some other products on the market. To find out more about the MusicFirst Elementary product, just check out this blog post I did on it a few weeks ago.

I hope to see you all there!


Intro to MusicFirst Elementary Video


Lesson Plan: Writing a podcast script