Introducing MyPracticeFirst

And the good news continues! I am THRILLED to introduce a new offering for individual music students - both young and old - who would like to use the power of the incredible MatchMySound® assessment algorithm to help them learn an instrument. Introducing MyPracticeFirst.

MyPracticeFirst gives you instant feedback on your rhythmic accuracy and intonation. It lets you target your practice to make it more efficient, and works easily on your phone, tablet, or computer. It works on ANY instrument, including brass, woodwinds, strings, percussion, guitar and piano, as well as voice.

MyPracticeFirst is a little different than our offering for school music programs in that allows individual users to purchase their own accounts for home use, with or without a teacher. Perfect for students in their school band, orchestra, or choir whose program doesn’t offer access to this award-winning product OR for older students who are learning an instrument on their own. With an extensive selection of both method books and standard repertoire, MyPracticeFirst users don’t have to worry about running out of content to learn.

MyPracticeFirst is available for the price of $49 for a full year of access. To get started, just visit our sign up page, enter your credit card information, and away you go! For a limited time, we are offering a FREE 14-day trial for any new user to make sure that our platform fits your individual learning needs. Here’s a short video that provides an overview of how the PracticeFirst platform works:

It’s my sincere hope that MyPracticeFirst is the perfect companion to anyone learning how to play their instrument or improve their singing and musicianship skills. SIGN UP TODAY to get started with this amazing assessment and learning product - available exclusively from MusicFirst.


Tool: Music Speed Changer


Introducing MusicFirst Elementary