Heading out to my first Modern Band Summit

This week I am thrilled to be heading out to Fort Collins, CO for my first Modern Band Summit, presented by Music Will, on behalf of MusicFirst. I will be presenting a session titled Modern Band & MusicFirst: Perfect Together on Wednesday, showing off our amazing new Modern Band Bundle in the MusicFirst Classroom, and I’ll be participating in the Tech Playground for two more sessions on Thursday. I am so excited to finally attend one of these events. MusicFirst is a proud sponsor and I look forward to meeting with other like-minded music educators and industry folks. I will be posting my session materials and a recap on Friday. Until then, I am also looking forward to some great early morning hikes, checking out some amazing craft breweries, and making some music! There is actually still time to register for the summit if you’re looking to make some last minute PD plans. I hope to see you there!


OGenPlus Plug & Play Course


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