OGenPlus Plug & Play Course

Recently, the amazing content team at MusicFirst, in conjunction with the inimitable Marcel Pusey from OGenPlus, published an amazing new course in the MusicFirst Classroom Content Library called OGenPlus Plug & Play. This course is designed to help teachers and their students explore OGenPlus - the newly revamped version of O-Generator - one of my favorite composition tools. The course includes 20 lesson plans that help students learn both HOW to use the software while learning how to compose in various styles of music. There are also over 50 projects for students to explore, including an overarching lesson plan for each category of project as well as direct links from the lesson plan to OGenPlus - making it the PERFECT solution for teachers who are looking for an affordable, accessible and EASY way to get your students composing. OGenPlus is included with every MusicFirst Classroom seat purchase as a part of our Creativity Bundle. Below is an example of a lesson plan as well as a project. But first, a quick refresher on what OGenPlus can do from the one and only, Marcel Pusey!

Here is a sample lesson plan from the OGenPlus Plug & Play Course titled What is a Chord Sequence? - available exclusively from MusicFirst. The BEST part of this lesson is that it is embedded directly INSIDE of OGenPlus - complete with step-by-step videos that guide the students through the composition process.

Here is the accompanying video for that lesson plan that students can watch and then complete the activities after they pause the video.

Isn’t that cool? All that a teacher needs to do with this new course is click on the Use Course Now button to add it to a new class and then drag and drop each lesson and project to their Class Calendar on the day(s) that they want their students to complete them. This new course is located in the MusicFirst Classroom Content Library in the General Music category.

To get an idea of the scope of the creative endeavors that students will complete using this new course, here are some of the projects:

  • Creating a Bass Line

  • How to Write Lyrics

  • Compose music for a sneaker commercial

  • Building Reggae Grooves

  • Break Beats

  • Hip Hop Project

  • House Music

  • Afro Beats

  • Indonesian Signs

  • Rhumba Beats

The new OGenPlus Plug & Play course is absolutely fantastic and should be very popular with our amazing teachers. Our content team is always looking for ways to make teaching music easier while at the same time providing the HIGHEST quality, pedagogically engaging content. If you would like to try out the new OGenPlus Plug & Play course, just sign up for a FREE 30-day trial. I truly hope this becomes an integral part of your music curriculum this coming school year.


Modern Band Summit Recap


Heading out to my first Modern Band Summit