Moving On

The Music Technology Lab that I’ve taught in for the past 25 years at TC

I have been a member of the Teachers College Columbia University family for 30 years. I received my Master of Arts in Music Education in 1996, and my Doctor of Education in Music Education in 2002. I have been teaching all of the music technology courses there since January of 1999. I have met so many incredible music educators in my time there, and I have been a very proud faculty member for 25 years. Sadly, the end of this semester will mark the end of my tenure at TC. I have decided to move on to other exciting teaching opportunities. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Hal Abeles for giving me the chance to teach at one of the premier institutions in the world, and to the many esteemed colleagues, former students, and fellow graduate students who represent some of the brightest minds in our profession.

As with any ending, it always means a new beginning and I am THRILLED to say that I will be teaching at my undergraduate alma mater, Montclair State University, beginning in January. I will be teaching a music technology course to undergraduate students - a first for me. I taught at Montclair from 2001-2007 and I am really excited to be back - especially with fellow music educators Bryan Powell and Marissa Silverman. I am also looking to fill my Monday nights at another amazing institution.

I wish all of my students and fellow faculty members at Teachers College nothing but the best. I am and always will be a teacher, and I can’t wait to see what the years ahead bring.


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