Introducing MyPracticeFirst
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Introducing MyPracticeFirst

And the good news continues! I am THRILLED to introduce a new offering for individual music students - both young and old - who would like to use the power of the incredible MatchMySound® assessment algorithm to help them learn an instrument. Introducing MyPracticeFirst.

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Introducing MusicFirst Elementary
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Introducing MusicFirst Elementary

After 4 years of work, thousands of pages of lessons plans and activities, and the tireless work of an amazing team of teachers and developers from Charanga Music, I am so very proud to introduce you to a truly revolutionary music curriculum for Grades K-5 - MusicFirst Elementary, powered by Charanga. Unlike other wonderful resources that are targeted to the elementary music teacher, this is the first complete K-5 music curriculum to hit the market in the last decade, and it is truly spectacular. The following provides an overview of what the curriculum includes, and most importantly, how you can preview it for yourself.

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Tool: Blob Opera
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Tool: Blob Opera

OK. This is a FUN tool! If you haven’t already seen it, Blob Opera is a Google Experiment that has four blobs that sing - and you can control them! Created by developer David Li, Blob Opera is guaranteed to put a smile on your and your students faces and actually has some pretty cool functionality that make it a great tool for teaching music.

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Tip: Keyboard Shortcuts are your friend!
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Tip: Keyboard Shortcuts are your friend!

Whenever I teach people how to use ANY software program, I always try to start from the very beginning with using keyboard shortcuts. Many keyboard shortcuts are universal across various types of software. Some software titles even let you customize your own keyboard shortcuts. Knowing even a handful of them can make your experience using the software much easier and faster once you learn them and use them. The purpose of this post is to help you learn these keyboard shortcuts and how to find them.

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NAMM 2023 - Let’s Go!
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

NAMM 2023 - Let’s Go!

If you’ve never been to the NAMM Show out here in Anaheim, CA, you should definitely try to get to it at some point in your career. For those of us who have been here many times, like myself, it is the largest gathering of music products manufacturers in the United States and seemingly everyone in the music industry is here. It is part non-stop business meetings, part reunion, and part circus. Non-stop performances, crazy outfits and hairstyles, and a giant party in the lobbies of the Hilton and Marriott hotels.

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What’s a Theremin?
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

What’s a Theremin?

Have you ever heard of a Theremin? If you ever heard Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys or have watched sci-fi films from the 1950’s, you’ve certainly heard one (technically the Beach Boys used an Electro Theremin). The Theremin is considered the first electronic instrument and it as a fascinating history. Invented by Russian physicist Leon Theremin in 1919, the instrument is played without being touched by the performer. It is the only musical instrument that you don’t touch to make a sound - it has just two metal antennas which can sense the position of the player’s hands and control the pitch with one hand, and volume with the other.

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Teaching Counting with Musition
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Teaching Counting with Musition

Like I mentioned with Auralia and teaching intonation a few posts ago, sometimes just ONE exercise or function is reason enough to purchase a software title for use with your students. I would argue that the Rhythm Counting exercises in Musition are reason enough to integrate MusitionFirst into your instruction with any performance ensemble.

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Tool: Edpuzzle
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Tool: Edpuzzle

If you know about Edpuzzle then you know how powerful of a tool it is. If you don’t, you need to integrate this incredible FREE tool into your teaching if you use video as a part of your instruction.

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Lesson Plan: Sakura
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Lesson Plan: Sakura

It’s April - that means that it’s time for the Cherry Blossoms to bloom. Here is a lesson plan that I wrote back when I was teaching that introduces students to the Japanese folksong, Sakura. The students are asked to learn more about the history of the song, listen to a recording, then post a reflection/response. Afterwards, students will use a notation program to compose a rhythmic accompaniment to the melody of Sakura. Hope this lesson plan is useful!

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Tip: Powered Speakers - LOFO
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Tip: Powered Speakers - LOFO

Here is a very simple, but VERY important tip if you’d like to prolong the life of your powered speakers as long as possible: Last On - First Off (LOFO). What does that mean? Always turn your speakers on LAST in the sequence of powering up your computer and hardware devices, and always turn the off FIRST when powering down.

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This. Changes. Everything. Meet PlayGPT ©
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

This. Changes. Everything. Meet PlayGPT ©

Have you ever stood up in front of you instrumental ensemble and said to yourself, “There MUST be a better way!!!” Tired of your students not practicing? Not prepared to play the repertoire you’ve so carefully picked out for them? Tired of standing up on the podium and working on the basics rather than actually making music? Tired of getting ready to leave for the day and seeing ALL of those instruments sitting in the instrument storage closet rather than with your students bringing them home to practice?

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Tip: Merging PDFs
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Tip: Merging PDFs

How many times have you had the pleasure of having single page PDFs - perhaps of a musical score - or forms that have been handed in by students - and you’ve thought to yourself “I really would love to put all of these PDFs in one file so that I could arrange them in the correct order!”. I have - MANY times. While PDFs are really great for a variety of reasons, they are different than word processing files. They are essentially images and can be a little difficult to deal with unless you have Adobe Acrobat Pro.

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MIDI @ 40
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

MIDI @ 40

At the NAMM Show in Anaheim this year, there will be a recognition and celebration of one of the most unique things about the music industry - the 40th anniversary of the invention of MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface. While it may not sound like a big deal - it is. In a highly competitive industry, MIDI is one of the only things that ALL hardware and computer manufacturers have agreed on - adopting a single standard that is used by all MIDI enabled instruments, software and hardware. MIDI is everywhere.

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Teaching Intonation with Auralia
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Teaching Intonation with Auralia

Sometimes the only reason that you need to purchase a piece of software is ONE exercise or function. For me, it was the Tuning exercise in Auralia from Rising Software.

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Tool: Scratch
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Tool: Scratch

You can use Scratch to have students code their own interactive stories, animations, and games. In the process, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively . Educators are integrating Scratch across many different subject areas and age groups.

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Tutorial: How to Make a Podcast
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Tutorial: How to Make a Podcast

Last week I showed the entire process from recording a podcast in Soundtrap to posting the episode on SoundCloud and distributing the podcast on Spotify. This post includes a 32-minute video tutorial that I hope you find useful.

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Resource: Math, Science, Music
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Resource: Math, Science, Music

Back in 2016, I was invited to Washington DC to attend the launch of an amazing project, sponsored by the US Department of Education, the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz, and the musedlab from the NYU Music Experience Design department. called Math, Science, Music. Essentially it is a collection of projects that focus on STEM integration, including projects by my dear friends Gena Greher from UMass Lowell and Alex Ruthmann from NYU. There are 11 projects altogether and they are all really well designed.

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Join Me @ Connecticut Music Technology Day!
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Join Me @ Connecticut Music Technology Day!

Join me for Connecticut Music Technology Day, a FREE in-person event designed specifically for K-12 music educators and administrators, sponsored by MusicFirst, Novation, and Focusrite!

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Teaching Resources: Pictures at an Exhibition
Jim Frankel Jim Frankel

Teaching Resources: Pictures at an Exhibition

In honor of Modest Mussorgsky’s birthday (born March 21, 1839 in Russia), here is a collection of. some of my favorite teaching resources for his most famous work, Pictures at an Exhibition. I hope you find them useful!

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